Anne Norona
Anne is founder of YES and a registered general nurse, currently working as a practice nurse for the National Health Service in England. Specialising in intensive care and tropical diseases, Anne spent time in a hospital in Haiti as a volunteer paediatric nurse for the poor between 1998 and 2000 before becoming a mother to her son. In November 2015, in response to the refugee crisis hitting the shores of Greece, Anne became the main recruiter of volunteer medics on Lesvos until the borders closed in 2016. Volunteering in both Lesvos and Idomeni Anne became close to the Yezidi refugees fleeing the ongoing genocide of their people. In December 2016 she began YES in response to the desperate need of displaced Yezidi people in Iraq. Working closely with Yezidi doctors and key workers in Iraq, Anne has managed to establish a wide network of contacts both in Iraq and internationally. “I’ve always held strong humanitarian beliefs and thankfully now have the opportunity to make a difference and to help the Yezidi people, one of the most persecuted yet gentle people I have ever had the good fortune to meet. I will do all I can to support and help them and hope to alleviate at least a little of the suffering so many of them have to endure through no fault of their own – just because they are Yezidi.” Anne was born and lives in Cornwall, England and is the mother of one son.

Samir D. Johna, MD, MACM, FACS, FICS
It is with pride and honor that I accept the generous invitation to serve on the Yezidi Emergency Support (Y.E.S.) Board of Directors. Being a survivor and a first generation immigrant of the Assyrian and Christian minority, I can relate to the amount of devastation that Iraqi minorities are subjected to on a daily basis. In every political conflict, minorities are the first victims and the most devastated. Without the love and generosity of groups like YES, there is no hope in sight for them. It is impressive how much YES has achieved in such a short time and with so little in hand. I am excited to join YES because I know that together we can deliver. We can bring the smiles back to the faces of those in need, sorrow, and sickness. With 18 years' experience in charity work, I can bring to the table a new perspective. No work of kindness by any person is too small: everyone counts. To the world you might be one person, but to one person, you might just be the world. We are blessed.

Karen Morris
Karen Morris has worked as nurse for 35 years. She has known Anne Norona since they worked as colleagues in the same GP practice 15 years ago. She now works as a specialist nurse prescriber at a GP surgery in Cornwall and for Brook charity providing wellbeing and sexual health support for young people. Karen says “I feel passionately about the Yezidi people, one of the world's most endangered ethnic minorities and want to play a key role in raising awareness of their plight and contribute to alleviating their suffering in any capacity within my capabilities.”

Nancy Isaacs
Nancy is a linguistics graduate who works in special needs and is the mother of three sons. She’s been concerned about the humanitarian crisis caused by war and ISIS for some time. Nancy has a keen interest in ethnic minority groups and religions and is very concerned for the Yezidi people and wishes to help in any way that she can. After attending several events about the Yezidis, including a talk by Anne Norona, Nancy was motivated to get involved, raise awareness of this much-persecuted minority and help Yezidis in need.

Baderkhan Kassim
Baderkhan is our team leader and was the first member of YES. He’s worked as a volunteer with Anne Norona to help the poorest since December 2016. He was a former translator in the US army for ten years and has excellent linguistic skills. Since leaving the army he’s worked as a medical technician for Taqa Atrush B.V, as an oil rig site interpreter and labour supervisor at Taqa, as HSE assistant at BGP Seismic, and for NGOs in Kurdistan and Iraq. Baderkhan's main incentive for working as a humanitarian is “To put a smile on the face of children, it is all I make children happy.” Born in Sinjar, Baderkhan became displaced after the ISIS attack in 2014 and lives outside an IDP camp in Kurdistan.

Khairi Aezdeen
Khairi has exceptional experience working as both a translator in the US army and with numerous NGOs, including working as citizenship ambassador for PAX and team leader at UPP. His knowledge of the situation surrounding the IDP camps makes him an invaluable member of the team. Always ready to come up with a solution for every problem, Khairi works tirelessly to help his people because he believes it’s the right thing to do. Khairi knows everyone and is an endless source of contacts. Born in Sinjar, Khairi became displaced after the ISIS attack in 2014, and lives with his family in an IDP camp in Kurdistan.
We want to acknowledge all members of the Y.E.S team who are not visible on this page, but without whom we could not operate.
Please know we value all of you and always appreciate your support and contributions.